Residential Rainwater Harvesting Services

As a rainwater harvesting professional contractor service provider, we specialize in installing rainwater harvesting systems designed to efficiently collect rainwater for reuse in irrigation, whole house potable systems, and detention purposes.

Our expertise ensures that your rainwater harvesting solution is not only functional but also environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

What types of services can we provide to residential customers?

Whole House Potable Systems

Can I drink it? Yes, you can! We use a series of filters and then a UV light to disinfect the water. Rainwater is also naturally soft and won’t leave residue on your plumbing fixtures, shorten the life span of your appliances and leave calcification on your glass shower enclosures.

Irrigation & Pool Fill

Many of our customers choose to use their collected water for irrigation or to fill their pool.  By reusing the water that is already on-site our customers are building resiliency by capturing and treating the water on-site for reuse.  With the population expected to double in Texas over the next 20-30 years, water re-use systems relieves Storm Sewers from the increased stormwater water runoff from new construction, and at the same time, takes the demand off of Wastewater Treatment Facilities.  

Stormwater Solutions

Droplet Resources specializes in installing stormwater collection systems that meet your impervious cover detention requirements.  Whether you are building a pool, an addition on your home, or a new custom home or office building, we can help you meet this requirement while saving you money.  

Condensate Collection

Droplet Resources can install an AC condensate collection system on a new structure or retrofit it to be able to collect this water.  AC condensate is condensed water from air conditioning equipment and cooling towers.  In areas with 60-80% humidity, one ac system on a single family residence can produce 10-20 gallons of good clean water every day.  In the Greater Houston Area, you can expect to collect 600-800 gallons of condensate for every ton of air conditioning per year.